Syndaxi - translation of the complicated


This policy governs how we treat information obtained by us, either from your use of this website or through the delivery of our services to you.

Although our website may contain links to other sites you will appreciate that these are outside of our control and are not therefore covered by this privacy policy. Whenever we update this policy we will include reference to the changes in our regular newsletters/bulletins.

Collection of personal information

In order to use most of this website you do not have to provide any personal information. We do not make use of cookies. However, if you wish to subscribe to receive mailings from us you will need to complete the on-line form; or if you e-mail us, we will collect personal information about you.

Use and disclosure of information

We have/will process your information:

  • To deal with your enquiries and requests.

  • To market our services to you directly. If you opt to receive general mailings from us we may contact you by letter, e-mail or telephone.

  • To manage our business.

We are committed to dealing with your personal and corporate information fairly and lawfully.
We will only disclose information to members of our staff and to third parties necessarily involved in the maintenance and updating of this website (see under confidentiality).

If you contract with us for specific services, our agreement with you will also detail strict non-disclosure and confidentiality clauses. All parties to any potential transaction are required to agree to these.


Syndaxi respects your commercial and personal confidence. This Confidentiality Policy ('Policy') represents our commitment to the protection of your confidence through the embodiment of fair information practices, both manual and electronic. Our Policy places you, as an individual and/or organization, in control of how your information is processed. We promise that we will not process your information, either manually or electronically in any way that is incompatible with this Policy.

This policy protects your confidence by:

  • Informing you about the types of information Syndaxi collects about you, either through our Website or during the course of our business; How we collect that information; The general purposes for which we collect such information; The types of organizations to which we disclose information; And the choices and means by which individuals and corporations may limit its use and disclosure.

  • Assuring you that Syndaxi takes reasonable precautions to protect information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction; Implements reasonable policies and procedures to ensure that any and all information is kept only for the purposes for which it has been gathered; Uses reasonable measures to ensure that we have accurately and completely recorded the information you have provided; and provides you reasonable access to your information as well as procedures for correcting or modifying that information where appropriate.

  • The information we receive from or about you is stored on systems designed to prevent the loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction of that information. Although we take all appropriate steps to protect any information which you provide to us, you will understand that in also using the Internet to collect some information, this necessarily involves data being sent internationally.

  • By using the website and/or exchanging e-mails with us we shall take it that you agree to our processing your information in this way. If you are in any doubt about supplying information then we readily accept phone calls and written correspondence (with or without special delivery or courier status).

Third party communications

Under no circumstances do we share data with third parties unless you, the Client, provide prior and specific authorization to release agreed profile information to one or more specified parties.

How we put information to good use

We use information about you and your organization for the purposes of performing the services you have instructed us to do, as well as to ensure that we: (i) administer your account in accordance with your expectations, and (ii) monitor, and improve on, our internal operations properly.

Our business may use general contact information concerning our registered Clients in our own internal directory service, a resource for locating information about companies within our sector of operations.

Finally, we use the information we collect to direct important notices and information affecting your account or services, as well as to provide you with general information that may be of interest to you, including newsletters, surveys and information about our service offerings. You may opt-out of receiving such general information from us simply by notifying us of your desire in accordance with the opt-out instructions contained in any information message you receive from us. However, please note that, in order to fulfill our specific service obligations to you, we will continue to send you notices and other important information that affect our agreement with you.

Our accountability to you

By registering for our services, you obtain the protections of, and consent to, the data processing practices described in this Confidentiality Policy. When you purchase our services you also represent to us that you have provided notice to, and obtained consent from, any third party individuals whose confidential information you supply to us with regard to: (i) the purposes for which such third party's data have been collected, (ii) the intended recipients or categories of recipients of the third party's confidential information, (iii) how the third party can access and, if necessary, modify the data held about them.
In addition to the privacy protections that we provide, our employees and business partners are independently responsible for ensuring compliance with this Confidentiality Policy, as described below.

Employee accountability

Only those Syndaxi employees that have a legitimate business purpose for accessing and handling confidential information obtained by us are given authorisation to do so. The unauthorised access or use of such information by a Syndaxi employee is prohibited and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action.

Additionally, our information management systems are configured in such a way as to block or inhibit employees from accessing information that they have no authority to access.

Accountability of Syndaxi business partners

From time to time trusted business partners may be responsible for processing or handling some of the information that we receive. Full disclosure of all such partners with authority to view your information will be made to you during the normal course of our service delivery. These partners are not authorized to use your information for purposes beyond those specified by us and are required to preserve the confidentiality with which we treat such information.

If you feel that Syndaxi , or any of our partners or employees, is violating this Confidentiality Policy, please contact us

Notification of changes

We will post any changes to this Confidentiality Policy 30 days before their effective date so you will always know what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. You are responsible for periodically checking our website for changes to this Confidentiality Policy. You may opt-out of any posted change to our collection, use or disclosure of your personal information by sending an e-mail to Syndaxi

If you have any questions regarding this Policy, please contact us as shown on the contact us page 


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